Category: Scooters

This is our collection of scooter content here at Rips & Rides.

Take a look at our selection of helpful posts about scooters, scooter ownership, scooter gear reviews, and more:

  • How To Make a 50cc Scooter Faster For Free

    How To Make a 50cc Scooter Faster For Free

    Here at Rips & Rides we’re big fans of scooters of all types. It’s those fun and exciting 50cc scooters that hold a special place in our hearts. One problem that people have with 50cc scooters is that they might not be fast enough for what people are looking for (are 50cc scooters worth it?).…

  • The BEST Gas Scooters For Adults

    The BEST Gas Scooters For Adults

    As a kid, scooters were a popular mode of transportation. But as we grow up, it can be harder to find the time to enjoy them like we used to. Our interests change, and sometimes it feels like there isn’t time for fun anymore. But you don’t have to give up on childish pleasures! Gas…

  • How Much Does a Vespa Cost? Are Vespas Worth the Money?

    How Much Does a Vespa Cost? Are Vespas Worth the Money?

    Here at R&R we talk a lot about scooters. We’ve got content on the best 50cc scooters, whether or not scooters are worth it, a guide for the best scooter helmets, and everything in between. It’s safe to say that we’re not strangers when it comes to Vespa scooters. If this is one of these…

  • The 7+ BEST Maxi Scooters in 2023

    The 7+ BEST Maxi Scooters in 2023

    Compared to motorcycles, the best maxi scooters are easier to ride. They also come with features that make for a more enjoyable riding experience. Multiple positions, upright seating, plenty of interior storage, and cup holders make maxi scooters a great alternative to motorcycles. Whether you’re looking to bop around town or head out on a…

  • Are Scooters Safe?

    Are Scooters Safe?

    When it comes to two-wheeled transportation, riders have a lot of options to choose from. Motorcycles are the most popular choice in North America. In most other places, surprisingly, scooters tend to be the most popular option. There are a number of reasons why scooters are more popular than motorcycles in some places. They’re smaller,…