Category: Car Maintenance

  • The 5+ BEST Oil Drain Pans (Reviews) in 2023

    The 5+ BEST Oil Drain Pans (Reviews) in 2023

    Oil changes are one of those aspects of essential car maintenance you don’t want to miss. If you’re doing your own oil changes at home, there are a few different items you can use to make the process easier. One of these items is an oil drain pan. Changing your oil without one usually results…

  • White Smoke From Exhaust: Diagnosing Your Vehicle

    White Smoke From Exhaust: Diagnosing Your Vehicle

    Do you ever get alarmed when you see white smoke coming from your car exhaust? In the winter, this is normal, but during the summer there could be an issue. Most of you have probably seen smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. It can come out in different colours, with white being the most…

  • The 3+ BEST Car Wash Brushes (Reviews) in 2022

    The 3+ BEST Car Wash Brushes (Reviews) in 2022

    Washing the car is a religious experience for many vehicle owners. Having a clean car is a source of pride and let’s other people know you take care of your things. As a vehicle owner, it also makes you feel better when you’re driving a clean vehicle. If you’re doing it on your own, it’s…

  • The 3+ BEST Auto Glass Cleaners (Reviews) in 2023

    The 3+ BEST Auto Glass Cleaners (Reviews) in 2023

    When it comes to basic car maintenance, keeping the windows clean is an important part. The problem with cleaning car windows, it’s hard to find products that are streak-free and easy to use. Many of you probably struggle with getting those picture perfect windows. Over the years, I’ve used a wide range of different auto…

  • Do You Really Need to Buy Winter Tires?

    Do You Really Need to Buy Winter Tires?

    Owning a car isn’t cheap. There’s car maintenance costs, upgrades, and random accessories that all need to be considered. One of the higher costs for owning a car is the tires. During the winter, you’re definitely going to want to be using winter tires for your safety, control, and peace-of-mind on the road. Once all…