Category: Motorcycle Maintenance

  • How to Charge Your Motorcycle Battery Safely and Quickly

    How to Charge Your Motorcycle Battery Safely and Quickly

    It’s a beautiful spring day and you pop into the garage to start your bike. You put the key in, turn the ignition, hit the starter switch – and nothing happens. Maybe the engine turns a few times, but for some reason you can’t get your motorcycle roaring to life. While this could be a…

  • How to Use a Battery Charger With Your Motorcycle Battery

    How to Use a Battery Charger With Your Motorcycle Battery

    Using a motorcycle battery charger will keep the battery fresh and charged. They’re great whether you’re not riding your bike over the winter or you’re leaving it in storage. There’s nothing worse then getting to your motorcycle, popping in the key, hitting the ignition switch – and nothing happens. While this could be caused from…

  • How Often Should You Change Your Motorcycle Oil?

    How Often Should You Change Your Motorcycle Oil?

    Doing your own motorcycle maintenance, riding and maintaining your bike regularly is the best way to learn everything about your bike, including how to choose the best oil for your bike. It’s also going to help save you money and give you a better idea of how your motorcycle is supposed to run. Changing the…

  • How to Improve Motorcycle Fuel Economy

    How to Improve Motorcycle Fuel Economy

    After writing the post on the most fuel efficient motorcycles I wanted to share some helpful tips for riders on how to improve motorcycle fuel economy. After insurance and maintenance, fuel is the biggest expense that most riders have. With rising fuel costs it’s important to be able to ride your bike in the most…

  • How to Clean and Lube Your Motorcycle Chain

    After writing the post on how to remove rust from your motorcycle chain, I wanted to put together another helpful chain maintenance guide. This post is about how to clean and lube a motorcycle chain properly so that you can keep up-to-date with your motorcycle maintenance. Keeping your chain clean and lubricated will extend its…